We've finally done it! We've joined an elite group of fascinating individuals. We've talked about doing it on and off for a few years, and now, it's a done deal. We've joined...
the rednecks a.k.a hillbillies! LOL

because we went and bought this
So, it's not exactly "stylin" but it is clean, and I think some updated curtains and covers for the mattresses, should make it look "classy" if you can even call a trailer that.
A friend of mine was selling it and D and I have been talking on and off for years about whether we should purchase one to go on regular camping trips during the summers. He had a motor caravan growing up, and my family had a camping van. Both of us have fond memories of all our travels.
The price was right and we knew it was in great condition, so we took the plunge! We just have to go out and get our SUV fitted for a hitch and then we can go and pick up this baby up.
Other not so good news....

Angelina is about to lose 2 more teeth! I can't believe how quickly my girl is growing up! Angelina's goldfish Goldie died a few weeks ago, so she just got a new albino angel fish she named Marshmallow. I am just grossed out with feeding this thing because it eats frozen blood worms - ICK!! I have to store this stuff in my freezer next to OUR food. Then after I chip a piece off with it's own dedicated worm spoon, Angelina feeds the fish and then I cringe at having to wash the spoon. If you haven't figured it out already, I am bug & worm-a-phobic. Although I have been getting better at killing bugs in the house. In the past, I was not be able to squish a spider. But now with a HUGE (I'm talking 1/4 roll) wad of toilet paper, I am able to successfully squish and flush those babies.
Here are a few recent pics of the kids. Taken by my friend when she and her friends came over for lunch and a swim.
Have to get lunch started and then run out and meet one of my girlfriends for our joint b-day lunch.