Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Typical daily phone call

Heh-rho? Ah..do yoo sow sum shop? Yoo know...da kind dat shmells rearry NICE and krean rearry goood?

Me: What do you want?

Yoo know...I need sum shop! Ah...I hab sum greashy ding dat I need to clean off da crack of my ash. I need sum goood stub!

Me: C'mon on..what do you want, or I'm hanging up!

Yoo ah rike a Chinese peepole..making stub pore cheap! Do yoo have sum shop with cum of sum young guy?

Me: Ok, bye.

*click and dial tone*

This is a typical conversation with Jeriko. Don't let the man or his real world job fool you. He is this guy 99.9% of the time in the confines of his home and ours.

Be scared - very scared!



Anonymous said...

Too true....if only people knew the real him, eh?

Joyce said...

ha ha ha!

he's got me a few times too!

Kaili said...

I knew with the first few words who it was! Haha!